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George Manneh Weah
Republic of Liberia

Jewel Howard Taylor  
Vice President 
Republic of Liberia

Milton Gbehzorhngar Findley  
Minister of Foreign Affairs 
Republic of Liberia

The Republic of Liberia, a West African nation founded by freed black slaves from the America’s in the early 1820’s, declared her Independence on July 26, 1847. Liberia borders the Atlantic Ocean in the South, the Republic of Sierra Leone in the West, the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire in the East, and the Republic of Guinea in the North.


Liberia is a Unitary State, with a multi-party constitutional democratic system of Government based on elections by open and free universal adult suffrage. The country has a Presidential form of Government, with three branches of Government: an Executive headed by the President, a Legislative Branch headed by a Speaker, and a Judicial Branch headed by Chief Justice.

This website provides information about Liberia’s consular matters such as Visas, Passports, National Questions, Trade Promotion, Investment Inquiries, Problems of Nationals, Students and General Information.


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 His Excellency         

 Her Excellency        

 His Excellency