Invest in Liberia and start a business in Liberia in agriculture production and food processing, the returns on investment are high!

Liberia is blessed with ample fertile soils and ample rainfall; however it imports substantial quantities of its staple food, including rice which accounts for over 10% of its imports with over US$20 million.

The total value of food imported annually is over 30 US$ million. This food could be grown locally. It is time for Liberian people “to grow what they eat and eat what they grow”

This situation presents huge opportunities available in the agriculture sector.

Your investment is needed mainly in the production of rice, rubber, cassava, palm oil, marine fisheries, vegetables and fruits.

For the export market, there are investment opportunities in production and processing of coffee, cocoa, maize and sugar cane.

The best way to increase the agriculture production is to introduce the technology that adds value to food produces by improving post harvest handling and processing.

Invest now in modern agricultural and food technologies and start making profits. 

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