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The Government, in partnership with the development community, is making strides in addressing the infrastructure and institutional challenges


Liberia suffered badly from its 14 years of conflict, and the nation’s stock of infrastructure remains inadequate and poorly maintained. There are, however, a number of opportunities to reverse this trend. Related infrastructure investment priorities like roads, port, energy, sanitation and ICT offer great investment potentials that can best bring Liberia out of its relative isolation. These will enable Liberia to play a larger role on an agricultural trading stage within the Mano River Union, on a regional stage within the ECOWAS energy, communications
and transit trade markets, and on a globally competitive stage as an attractive investment destination for manufacturing, mining and agro-industry.

The African Development Bank views poor infrastructure as a critical barrier to reducing poverty and accelerating
growth. Liberia’s new poverty reduction strategy, the Agenda for Transformation, recognizes that economic growth
and development cannot be achieved without adequate infrastructure. At the same time, key insights from the nation’s history indicate that the social and economic benefits of growth must be inclusive, and an enclave orientation must be minimized to avoid growth without development. Infrastructure investment must therefore be planned to support key growth corridors that connect urban centers with the rural milieu and foster conditions
for economic advancement by smallholders and the domestic private sector, as well as foreign direct investors. Infrastructure services must strive to improve quality, availability and affordability to citizens throughout the country.