
Liberia is rebuilding after 15 years of civil conflict, therefore, the opportunities for investment in Liberia are unlimited.  The national infrastructure (roads, bridges, water, electricity, airports, seaports, etc.) has to be rebuilt.  Investment in health care, education, hotels and housing are critical services the country needs.

Liberia has opportunities for investment in cash crops such as coffee, cocoa, and oil palm.  Food crops such as rice, cassava, pineapples, bananas and plantain.  Rice is the nation’s stAaple food and the country imports over 90% of its rice needs at the cost of about $80 million a year.    The natural resources offer significant opportunities for investment.  Our primary resources include diamonds, gold, iron ore, rubber and timber.What is the government doing to encourage investments in Liberia?

The administration has a broad vision about the role of the private sector in Liberia’s recovery; the great potential for private sector investment; and some key steps the government has in mind to strengthen the environment for private sector investment going forward.  The President made it clear that a strong and vigorous private sector is absolutely central to Liberia’s economic growth and development.